author instructions
MERCon Paper Submissions
- All papers should be written in English
- Maximum length of a paper is limited to 6 printed A4 pages in given format.
- IEEE Template
- Review process is Double-blind. Follow the following instructions in your first submission.
- Do NOT include any authors' information such as name, affiliations, e-mail, etc. in the initial manuscript.
- Do NOT include any grant information or personal acknowledgements in the initial manuscript.
- All references including authors' previous work should be referred as 3rd-persons' works.
Use the following guidelines while submitting full papers:
- All paper submissions are through EDAS.
- Please note that 1st time users need to create a new EDAS account. Please use your institutional e-mail address while registering.
- While submitting a paper, select the most appropriate Track for your paper.
- Manuscript submission should be in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) only. Once accepted, all Camera Ready papers should be in IEEE compliant format.
- Manuscripts that do not conform to the above formatting guidelines will not be considered. If you experience any font embedding issues while uploading the paper to EDAS, please follow IEEE instructions.
- We request all authors to carefully revise the manuscript for language and formatting.
- All submitted manuscripts will undergo a plagiarism check using a suitable tool.
- Please contact us if you have any questions regarding your submission or experience any issues while submitting your manuscript.
MERCon strongly discourages changes and, in particular, withdrawals of papers once submitted and included in the program. To avoid the likelihood of this, authors are strongly encouraged to get all necessary company and/or government approvals prior to submitting the paper to the conference.
If under any circumstances it becomes necessary for the author(s) to withdraw or change a paper, MERCon policy dictates